
  • 日期:2012-08-07 11:48
  • 来源: 学习乐园
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我的寒假 我做主

  Now that final exams are history, students seem to have that extra bounce. After all, winter vacation awaits them, and if they listen closely, they hear their peers planning Spring Festival outings and activities. If you're hurting for ideas, perhaps the following three case studies will give you some in spiration。

  拍摄一部电影 Shooting a film


  Xu Qiushi is about to graduate, and he and some Central China Normal University classmates wanted to document "the most amazing four years of our lives". They did it with Four Years。


  Every day, Xu and his buddies head to the teaching building to piece together their happy college memories, with each student playing himself. In one scene, four roommates re-enact their first encounter: "Flashing back to these critical moments has helped us cherish our friendship."


  In another, two friends re-enact a tense encounter and try to clear up the misunderstanding: "The two guys hug each other after having drifted apart. They drink a beer and say farewell to an unhappy incident," explained Xu


  Li Li, of the Wuhan University student affairs office, says that many students have documented their college life. "The [new generation of students] films anything that arouses their interest," Li said. "They want to write their own histories."

  积极锻炼身体 Getting a workout


  Some students, like 19-year-old freshman Nan Zhichao, have decided to use the winter holiday to get some exercise. Nan and a group of classmates are going on their own cycling tour of Hainan。


  The Huazhong University of Science and Technology information major planned the whole project himself. From booking accommodations to collecting mechanical supplies, to studying the weather forecast, to drawing out the route for each day, Nan worked hard to make sure every detail was right。


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