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Fun with English 4B Unit4

时间:2015-04-08 11:39来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一.teaching aims and requirements
1.  three skills : here you are .
2.  four skills:what are these/those ?  they’re … i’d like some …’please . how many kilos ? …kilos , please .
3.  can express exactly how to buy fruit .
4.  can use the words and sentences of four skills in their daily life.
二.teaching procedure
a.   leading  in and warming up
1. greeting
sing an english song for the teachers
b.   presentation and practice
1. check  the survey  which should be done after last class .
1)introduce the new sentence “ i’d like some …please.” with the help of cai
2)learning and practice
3)show the cards to them let the students say “ some…” then the teacher asks “how many…?”(introduce the new phrase “how many”)
2. how many kilos ?
1) teacher takes out a black bag which full of the bananas then asks what are these ? let’s touch them .
2) let the students guess “how many bananas” then asks “how many kilos” ?
3) use the balance to know “how many kilos ?”
4) tell the students  know 1kilo = 2 jin and kg insteads of kilo.
5) the students look at the cards on the wall of the classroom tell the teacher “how much a kilo ?”
6) let the students do a little checker .use the sentences of
a.  how much a kilo ?
b. how many kilos ?
c. how much are they ?
(the students look at the cards )
3. review the dialogues of this unit. “what are these/those ?
t: it isn’t a easy job .let’s play a game .
c.   read and say
t: we can use these sentences to buy fruit but how to use these .let’s listen to the tape .miss li is buying fruit .
1) show the questions to them.
a.  what are these ?
b. what are those?
c. how many kilos ?(pears)
d. how many kilos ?(grapes)
2) answer my questions
3) read after the tape .
d.   work in pairs .
1. example
2. work in pairs (if someone reads very good can have a fruit shop).
3. invite the teachers or the classmates buy the fruit together .
e.   assign homework
1. write down the dialogues that you have made in the class.
2. listen and read the part a after class.
fun with english 4b unit4 来自第一范文网。

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