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PEP 4 (四年级下册) Unit 1 复习卷

时间:2015-04-01 09:08来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
i. 读一读,抄写并翻译。※ 这些单词你会读会认了吗?yes   no
playground     garden      teacher’s office       library
canteen      art room      computer room    washroom   
music room    gym    tv room    first    second   floor
welcome    our    many    visitor     there    class  
lunch     please    beautiful     cool     this way
ii. 抄写单词、句子,并翻译。※ 这些单词你会默写了吗?yes   no
computer     board     fan     light 
teacher’s desk     picture     floor    wall
this is my computer.  that is your computer.
is this a teacher’s desk?  yes, it is.
iii. 读一读,抄写并翻译句子。※ 这些句子你会读了吗?yes   no
a: where is the canteen?         b: it’s on the first floor.
a: how many students are there in you class?   b: forty-five.
a: do you have lunch at school?        b: yes, we do.
a: is that the art room?      b: no, it isn’t. it’s the music room.
a: is this the library?      b: yes, it is.
water the flowers.   read a story-book.   hand in the homework.

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