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Unit 17 Nature 教学设计方案Lesson 65

时间:2013-07-15 08:04来源:中小教案点击:字体:[ ]

教学设计方案Lesson 65

Teaching Aims

1. Know how to talk about a trip.

2. Study the language points concerned with the dialogue.

Step I Warm--up

 (Teacher) Today we are going to hear about a long journey. Then ask the questions to the Ss:

1.Do you like traveling with your friends by bike?

2.What are the advantages(good points) of traveling by bike>

3.Usually what is the purpose of traveling?

Step II Reading

Ask the students to read the dialogue carefully to find out as much as they can about the journey. Ask questions like this:

1 What is the purpose of the project?

2 How are they going to collect money?

3 Where are they going to travel?

Step III Dialogue

Listen to the tape and repeat. Practise the dialogue in pairs.

Step Ⅳ Language focus

Ask the students to underline all the questions that the reporter asks. Get the students to practise saying these sentences. Tell them they are important.

Step V Practise

Read the dialogue aloud. Try to act it out.

Step VI Workbook

Do Ex. 1 and Ex.2.

Step VII Exercise

Put the following into English to complete the sentences.

1. _____________(据报道) more than 200 people had been killed in the fire.

2. _____________(我们图书馆的藏书数) is about 30,000.

3. Many people_____________(在地震中被活埋了) .

4. _____________(从那时至今), I haven’t heard from him.

5. With the grandma’s good care, _____________(那位伤员一天天好起来) .

6. Too many milu deer _____________(被杀死) and they disappeared.

7. Some large nature parks_____________(建立起来) to keep milu deer since 1985.

8. The number of milu deer ______________(将大大增加).

9. Soon milu deer _____________(将放生) and live in the wild.

10. Do you know why wild animals ______________(应该受到保护)?


1. It was reported that

2. The number of books in our library

3. were buried alive in the earthquake

4. Since then

5. the wounded soldier grew better day by day

6. had been killed

7. have been set up

8. will be greatly increased

9. will be set free

10. should be protected

Step VIII Homework

1.Revise the dialogue in Part 1.

2.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

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