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The sports meeting Lesson 86教学设计

时间:2013-03-04 10:49来源:教案设计点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 86教学设计示例












1.复习 教师提出以下问题:

1)What is a relay race? 2)Which class were in front on the first lap? 3)Which two classes were neck and neck on the second lap? 4) Who dropped his stick on the ground? 5) Who fell and hurt his leg? Did be get up? 6) Which two classes were in front?



1) stand at the starting line 2) Ready? Go! 3) Come on! 4)pass the stick onto sb.5) to be neck and neck 6) drop one's stick 7) fall, hurt one's leg, quickly get up and go on running


5.指导学生以练习册习题1 为素材,准备复述课文。具体做法如下:





Mr Hu stood at the starting starting line. All the boys/runners got ready to run. The runners started to run. All the students began to shout very loudly. At the end of the first lap Li Lei quickly passed the stick on to Jim. Yu Yan caught up with Jim and they were neck and neck. At the end of the second lap, Yu Yan and Jim passed on their sticks at the same time. But the other runners were not far behind. Then the Class Two runner dropped his stick on the ground when he was passing it on to the last runner. And the Class Four runner fell and hurt his leg. But he got up quickly and went on running. Now the Class 3 runner and the Class 1runner were still neck and neck on the last lap.




1.On the third lap, the Class 3 and Class 1 runners both ran very fast. 在第三圈,三班和一班的两名运动员都跑得很快。

句中both是the Class 3 and Class 1 runners的同位语,在下面一句中(第七课),both 也是同位语,但位置略有不同:

Wei Hua and Sun Meiying were both neck and neck. 魏华和孙美英并驾齐驱。

both也可用作形容词,起定语作用。例如:Both houses are white. 两所房子都是白的。both还可与of连用,构成短语。例如:Both of the houses are white. Both of his parents are teachers.他的父母都是教师。


2.But he quickly got up and went on running. 但他迅速爬起来继续赛跑。

go on doing sth. 意为:继续做某事。例如: He went on talking about the film after the guest left. 客人走后,他继续谈论那场电影。


He went on to talk about a film after the guest left. 客人走后,他(改变话题)开始谈论一场电影。

这个句子的形式是:to go on to do sth.

与 go on doing sth. 意思相近的有go on with sth., 例如:Please go on with your work. 请继续干你的工作。

3.He began to catch up with Jim. 他开始赶上吉姆了。

catch up with是追赶,赶上的意思。例如:

1) You have to work hard in order to catch up with the others. 你得努力学习,赶上别人。

2) You walk on and I'll catch up with you later. 你接着走,我一会儿会赶上你的。

这一句也可写成: You walk on and I'll catch you up later.




1)Li Let quickly passed the stick on to Jim. 李磊很快地把接力棒传给了吉姆。

2) They both passed on their sticks at the same time. 他们俩同时把接力棒传了出去。


1)Please pass it on to Lucy. 请把它传给露西。

2) Put them on! It's cold outside. 把它们穿上,外面很冷。

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