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高一英语第一单元第二课时 Section 2

时间:2013-03-04 10:48来源:教案设计点击:字体:[ ]

Step1. Revision

1. Words and expressions. ( translate some phrases and sentences )

2. Check the homework.

Step2. Lead-in ( pre-reading )

In the Second World War, the Japanese army attacked an American warship on the Pacific Ocean. The ship sank, and only one soldier survived on a deserted island. When he was found he had lived on the island for more than 40 years. Now please imagine you were the soldier. If you want to survive, what do you need? Here are some tools for you to choose, but you only can choose three from them. And you should tell me the reason for your decision.


Step3. Reading

1. Biography for Tom Hanks

Birth name Height 6\' 1\"

Thomas J. Hanks

Mini biography

Born in California, Tom Hanks grew up in what he calls a ‘fractured’ family. His parents were pioneers in the development of marriage dissolution law in that state, and Tom moved around a lot, living with a succession of step-families. No problems, no abuse, no alcoholism, just a confused childhood. He had no acting experience in college, and in fact credits the fact that he couldn’t get cast in a college play with actually starting his career - he went downtown, auditioned for a community theater play, was invited by the director of that play to go to Cleveland, and there his acting career started. He met his second wife, actress Rita Wilson on the set of the movie Volunteers (1985) - they have two children and Tom has another son and daughter by his first wife. In 1996 he made his first step behind the camera, directing as well as starring and writing the film That Thing You Do! (1996).

Present some pictures:

1. Listen to the tape.


1) What happens to Chuck?

2) What’s the most difficult challenge?

3) Why he hasn’t been a good friend?

4) What does he think about friendship?

5) What can we learn from Chuck?

2. Fast reading.

3. Main idea of each paragraph..

P1. Chuck survives on a deserted island.

P2. Chuck learns to survive all alone.

P3. What Chuck learns about himself.

P4. Friends are teachers.

Step4. Post-reading

1. Make summary of “friendship” in the text

Friends help us understand what kind of people we are. why we need each other, and what we can do for each other

We need friends to share happiness and sorrow It is important to have someone to care about. Friendship is about feelings. We must give as much as we take. Friends helps us understand what kind of people we are, why we need each other, and what we can do for each other.

2. Discussion

1) What is a friend like?

2) What can we do to be good friends even if we are very busy?

3) Does a successful man or woman need friends?

4) What do friends teach us?

5) Is it better to have a human friend or an unusual friend such as a volleyball, a pen or a dog?

6) The text talks about giving and taking .How do friends give and take?


1. Write a passage about your unforgettable experience.

2. Preview the language points in the text.

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