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新高一 unit7 教案

时间:2012-12-20 11:48来源:中小教案点击:字体:[ ]

Period 1

Step 1                  1. Questions:

Warming-up      1) What are cultural relics?

The Great Wall in China; The Pyramids in Egypt; Stonehenge in England

  2) What do they have in common?

  They are all very old and are all symbols of their countries and their cultures. They are very important to their countries. They once had a practical importance (burial site, defence, magic / superstition). Now people from all over the world go to visit these places.

3) What does the phrase Cultural relics mean?

 relic: something that has survived the passage of time, especially an object or a custom whose original culture has disappeared; something cherished for its age or historic interest.

 4) Do you know any other cultural relics in China or in the world?

 2. Some information about:

1)      The Pyramids in Egypt

2)      The Great Wall in Chins

3)      Stonehenge in England

When they were built

What they were built for

Stonehenge is a circle of large standing stones located near Salisbury, in Wiltshire, England. People began to build the site about 3,100 BC. It is not clear who built it. 


Step 2                  1. Listen to the description of the three cultural

Listening          sites and fill in the table.

2. Go over the listening exercise on Page 121 to make the Ss know what to do as homework.

Step 3                  1. Go over listening exercise on Page 121.

Homework           2. Go over Speaking on Page 44 and fill in the


                            3. Think about cultural sites in Nanjing and what

                              should be done to protect them.


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