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Junior English for China Book 3 Lesson 4

时间:2012-11-15 12:49来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]


ⅠTeaching Materials

1.      Language Materials

Words: spoil, as, screen

Phrases: on the computer, find out

Sentences: I guess somebody else has borrowed it.

           Could you find out who has taken it?

Grammar: The present perfect tense

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1.      Read the whole lesson fluently, and pronunciation and intonation should be right.

2.      Learn to read the information on the library cards and the computer screen.

3.      Master the following materials

(4 skills)    Word: as

            phrase: on the computer, find out

(3 skills)    Words: spoil, screen

Ⅲ Teaching Points

  1. The main points: (1)&(2) in teaching objectives
  2. The difficult points: learn to read the information on the library cards and the computer screen

Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

  1. Organization of the class

Today, we are going to learn Lesson 4. In Lesson 4, we’re going to talk about the information on the library cards and the computer screen.

  1. Revision

Before we go on to learn the new lesson, let’s go over what we learn in Lesson 3.

A.     Oral

How could Grandma get all her lost books back?

the use of the adverbs in the present perfect tense.

  1. The teaching of the new lesson

A.     Lesson 4

Yesterday, we learned that grandma usually borrowed books from the library. There is a new library today. If you want to read books, how can you find them? Let’s go on to learn Lesson 4.

B.     Part1

I’d like you to listen and do Wb. Ex.1

C.     Part 2

Ask the students to write down something about the school librarian and report it to the class. Teach: as   He works there as a shop assistant.

D.     Part 4

Learn to read the information on the cards and the computer screen.

E.      Part 3

Listen and answer:  What does the boy want to borrow?

                  What’s its name?

                  Who has borrowed it?

Read and learn.

has borrowed, has taken, has got( the present perfect tense)

find out

          Read and act.

F.      Part 5

Read and learn.

G.     Checkpoint 1

H.     Wb. Ex.2&5

  1. Homework

A.     Wb. Ex 3

B.     Go over the whole unit.

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