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时间:2012-09-28 10:16来源:教学辅导点击:字体:[ ]
1、learn the new letter o, and imitate pronunciation. 
2、know that orange, owl, onion begin with the letter o. 
3、understand the sentence: “what do you see?” meaning, enable children to  eak sentence “i see an_______”. 
teaching course 教学过程 
1、warming: five little frogs   
2、greeting: daily interlocution about weather, greeting, date, feeling and so on. 
for example: what is the weather like today? what day is it today? how are you  feeling today? 
3、teaching: identify the letter o, and imitate its pronunciation. teacher show the cards to children and read words, all together repeat after teacher . enable children to  eak sentence “i see an______.” 
4、game: you say i do  
5、close:  rhyme---- one two buckle my shoe
