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Lesson 78 多媒体教学设计方案

时间:2012-07-27 08:53来源:乐在其中点击:字体:[ ]

Lesson 78 多媒体教学设计方案

Teaching Aims
1. Learn the text by finishing reading it in proper time, getting the general idea and further comprehension .
2. Let the students know the development of paper-making.
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Presentation
学生活动:Answer the questions
1.Do you know who first invented paper-making?
2. When did the Chinese begin to paper- making?
Key: TS’ai Lun ,two thousand years.
Step 2 Watch the video
Step3 Questions
After watching and answer the following questions.
1. What's the result of the invention of paper?
2. What's the problem with using bamboo for writing?
3. When did Chinese people begin to have silk books?
4. When did Spain. Russia and America start making paper?
1.Much is known about Chinese history because records were kept on paper.
2.It was difficult to read and was heavy to carry.
3.2,140 4.1150;1567;1690
Step 4Listening
1.Say about the development of paper-making:
Paper made from silk: 
The good points:_________________________________
The problem:_______________________________________
Paper made form the fibres of plants:
What did people use to?: _____________________________
The good points:____________________________________
Keys:It was easy to write and draw on it, It was too valuable for everyday use.
fishing nets, trees, old clothes, It was so soft and light but much less expensive.
2.  Listen the text and find out the main idea of the each paragraph:
(Paragraph 1) Early invention of paper in China
(Paragraph 2—3) How records were kept before the invention of paper?
(Paragraph 4) The development of paper-making
(Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed
Step 5 Reading
Read the passage in your Students' Book and chose True or False:
1.)    People all over the world have been making paper for two thousand years.
2) As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history in other parts of the world.
3) As there was no paper, much of the history over hundreds of years is completely unknown in many parts of the world.
4) Before writing was developed, people in China had no way to keep records.
5) From the text we know that writing was developed in the third century BC.
6) Books of pieces of bamboo or wood tied together were difficult to read and heavy to carry.
7) Paper made from silk was easy to write and draw on, but very expensive.
8) Paper made from the fibres of plants was soft and light and is less expensive than silk.
9) By the first century the making of paper had reached other countries.
10) Spain started making paper earlier than the Middle East.
Key: 1) False ( The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. ) 2) False ( As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history of China, not other parts of the world. ) 3) True 4) False ( Before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. ) 5) False (Much early than that, because examples of the carved metal pots have been found from the 16th to the third centuries BC. ) 6) True 7) True 8) True 9) False ( After the first century the making of paper began to reach other countries. ) 10) False (The Middle East started making paper in the eighth century while Spain started making paper in 1150. )
Step 6 Exercise
Fill in the blanks with proper words.
It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of ______ together. As soon as writing was developed, people carved words on _____ ____. Later, words were carved on ______ ______. Between the second and the fifth centuries people wrote on pieces of _____ or ____ and these were tied together to form a book. At the same time, another kind of paper was made from _____. Because it was expensive, people invented another kind of paper made with the ______ of plants. They used ______ ______, the outside of _____, pieces of _____ _____ and so on. This kind of paper was as ______ and ______ as silk but much _________ expensive for everyday use.
Key: stones, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood, silk, fibres, fishing nets, trees, old clothes, soft, light, less
Step7 Discussion
Discuss the advantage of early invention of paper.
Suggest words: soft, light, much less expensive, so on
Step8 Homework
1. Retell this passage with your own words.
2.       Preparation the next Lesson.
Step 9 Introduction
Chinese legend tells that the new invention of paper was presented to the Emperor in the year 105 AD by Cai Lun. Archeological evidence, however, shows that paper was in use two hundred years before then. Either way, the Chinese were significantly ahead of the rest of the world. The craft of papermaking relied upon an abundance of bamboo fiber to produce a fine quality paper. In ancient China, the papermaker uses only the traditional materials and methods lo produce fine art paper.

 The early paper making workshop

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