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英语教案-新教材unit 7

时间:2012-07-21 09:37来源:教学实践点击:字体:[ ]
Unit 7 Cultural relics
I. Teaching Goals:
A. Language study:
1.Words & expressions: bring…back to life, give in (to sb.), in ruins, in pieces
2. Word formation: prefix re + verb.
3. Sentence patter: Where there is a river, there is a city.
B. Speaking:
1. Talk about cultural relics.
2. Talk about ways to protect cultural relics.
3. Give advice and make suggestions.
C. Grammar:
1. Use the Present Perfect Passive Voice.
D. Writing:
1. Write a letter to the editors.
E. Emotion task:
1. Cultivate the students’ love for cultural relics.
II. Teaching time: four periods
Period 1: 1) Talk about cultural relics and the ways to protect cultural relics
2) Give advice and make suggestions.
Period 2: 1) Read the passage “ A City of Heroes”.
2) Learn how to give a proper title for a passage.
Period 3: Enable the students to use the Present Perfect Passive Voice
Period 4: Learn how write a letter.
Period 5: Learn the important language points in this unit
III. Teaching Aids:
1. a tape recorder       2. a projector
The Second Period
I. Teaching Aims:
1. Understand the main meaning of the passage.
2. Learn how to find the topic sentence of each paragraph.
3. Learn how to give a proper title for a passage.
II. Teaching Important Points:
1. How to give a proper title for a passage.
III. Teaching Difficult Points:
1. How to grasp the main idea of a passage
2. How to find the topic sentence.
IV. Teaching Methods:
1. Use the Discussion method to make the students understand what they have learnt in class.
2. Use pair work and group work to get every student to take part in the class activities.
V. Teaching Aids:
1. a projector
VI. Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual.
T: In the last period, we learned about some cultural relics in the world. Perhaps we all know that many cities have their own cultural relics. Some cultural relics have become the symbols(象征) of the cities. Now I’ll show you some pictures. Please look at them and try to give the names of the cities.
(Show the following slides and ask the students to give the names of the cities.)
1. Eifel Tower — Paris
2. The Temple of Heaven— Beijing
3. Zhou Enlai Memorial — Huai’an
(1)                        (2)                        (3)
Step 2 Pre-reading
T:   Several years ago, we changed the name of our city from Huaiyin to Huai’an. Could you tell me why we did so? Yes, because Huai’an is Zhou Enlai’s hometown and Zhou Enlai is a world famous great man. Huai’an can become more famous for this great man.
Of course, in the world there are many other cities that are famous for some great men or heroes.                                                          
Today we are going to learn a passage about “ A City of Heroes”. Now, Who can tell me the name of the city? ( St Petersburg) (Show the following slide)
A City of Heroes
— St Petersburg
Step 3. Showing the Aims
T: In this passage we should … ( Show the following slide)
Step 4 Brief introduction
T: Now I’d like to talk about the passage briefly. ( Show the following slide)
Brief Introduction
St Petersburg
St Petersburg
the second largest city in Russia
the largest port in Russia
“the Northern Venice”
Step 5. Fast Reading (Discussing)
T: Now, please read the passage quickly and then try to discuss the question on the screen (Show the following slide)
Fast Reading
Who are the heroes of St Petersburg?
A.      Peter the Great — built the city of St Petersburg
B.      The people of St Petersburg — fought against the enemy and rebuilt the city of St Petersburg
Step 6. Careful Reading
A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers: (Show the slide)
Careful Reading (1)
Choose the best answer:
1. What is always true according to the passage?
A. Where there is a river, there is a city.
B. St Petersburg in Russia is on the Neva River.
C. St Petersburg seems to be something out of a fairytale.
D. St Petersburg is the capital of Russia.
2. When did the city come back to life?
A. Three hundred years ago.
B. After the Russian Revolution of 1917.
C. Nine hundred days after the Germans attack.
D. Years after the Germans had gone.
( Key: 1. B 2. D )
B. Now please read the passage carefully once more and try to tell the following statements true (T) or false (F) (Show the following slide)
Careful Reading(2)
B. Tell the statements true (T) or false (F)
1. The city of St Petersburg was rebuilt by Peter the Great.          (         )
2. The Germans attacked St Petersburg a hundred years ago.         (         )
3. A portrait of Peter the Great was destroyed by the Germans.               (         )
4. It was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces.                  (         )
5. St Petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before.                     (         )
( Key: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F )
Step 7. Post-reading
T: Now let’s discuss the following question in groups of four. (Show the following slide)
What does the passage want to tell us?
(Five minutes later the following slide is shown and the students are asked to choose the best answer)
What does the passage want to tell us ?
A. How beautiful the city is.
B. How great the Russian Czars were.
C. How great the people of the city are.
D. How old the city is.
( Key: C )
Step 8. Structure
T: Now please read the passage again and try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph (Show thefollowing slide)
Try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph:
Paragraph 1: The Russian Czar Peter the Great built St Petersburg.
Paragraph 2: St Petersburg has been the center of many important events in history.
Paragraph 3: The people of St Petersburg rebuilt the city.
Paragraph 4: The people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.
(Three minutes later, check the answers. The answers are shown on the screen above)
T: Well, who could tell us where we found the topic sentence?
( Paragraph 1— Middle; Paragraph 2 — Beginning; Paragraph 3 — Beginning; Paragraph 4 — End)
T: Now tell me which topic sentence do you think is the most important one.
( The last one. Because it is related with the title.) Yes, very good. Now let’s have a discussion: (Show the following slide)
1. What does the title of the passage imply(含义) ?
After two minutes, some choices are given on the screen:
1. What does the title of the passage imply(含义) ?
A.There are many heroes living in the city.
B.The city is very wonderful.
C.Many heroes have been building the city.
D.The people of the city are brave and great.
( Key: D)
1. What does the title of the passage imply(含义) ?
A.There are many heroes living in the city.
B.The city is very wonderful.
C.Many heroes have been building the city.
D.The people of the city are brave and great.
2. Why doesnt the author use “St Petersburg” as the title of this passage?
T: Well, let’s talk about the other question. (Show the slide)
(Two minutes later , ask the students to give the answer to the question , like the following)
1. What does the title of the passage imply(含义) ?
A.There are many heroes living in the city.
B.The city is very wonderful.
C.Many heroes have been building the city.
D.The people of the city are brave and great.
2. Why doesnt the author use “St Petersburg” as the title of this passage?
From the title we can know that the author is praising the people of the city instead of just introducing the city.
Step 9. Consolidation
T: Now let’s go over the passage and then try to fill in the following boxes( show the slide)
Three minutes later, check the answers orally, like the following:
Step 10. Morality
T: What can we learn from the people of St Petersburg? (Show two mottos on the screen)
What can we learn from the people of St Petersburg?
★ “Difficulty gives in to a strong – willed man”
★     “If we are united, brave and strong, we can overcome everything”

Step 11. Review
T: Now let’s review what we have learnt in this class. (Show the slide)
I. Something about the city: 
1.When was the city built?          300 years ago
2. Who built the city?              Peter the Great
3. What happened to the city in 1941?  
The Germans attacked the city and the city was almost in ruins.
4. What did the people of the city do? 
They tried their best to rebuild the city.
5. What do we know about the people of the city?
The people of the city are strong, proud and united .
They are the modern heroes of Russia.
II. How to find the topic sentences:
1. Usually in the beginning of the paragraph
2. Sometimes in the end or the middle of the paragraph
III. How to give a proper title
1.       Find the most important topic sentence.
2. What is to be written about the title.
Step 12. Homework
T: After class please finish off the following homework: (Show the slide)
A. Understand the following sentences:
1. Where there is a river, there is a city.   
2. We will do everything we can to save our city.
B. Read the passage “ The Rescue of Abu Simbel” at page 124.
C. Prepare “Language study”

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