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Lesson 35

时间:2012-07-15 11:21来源:教学辅导点击:字体:[ ]

Let’s learn, Group workAims: 1 Words: family, parents, aunt, uncle, baby brother.2 Useful phrases: How many people are there in your family?There are ….Who are they?  They are my….Tools: slide, tape, cardsStep 1 Warm up    10`1 T: Have you brought photos? The point a man in the picture. Ask: Who is this man? S: He is my father.T : He is tall and  strong.2 The same question ask about the woman, girl, boy….3 Ask and answer between students.Step 2  Presentation   10`1 You did a very good job. Now I want to ask you a question. How many people are there in your family?( using gestures if they can’t understand and writing the sentences on the blackboard)2 Teach: There are….Then ask: Who are they?They are  …Step 3  Play a game  15`1 T: Do you want to know: How many people are there in my family? Please guess2 Now let’s learn who they are. Teach: parents, uncle, aunt, family, baby brother.3 Then get them open the  books and read after the tape.4 A guessing game. My father’s brother  is my ___My mother’s sister is my ____ Step 4  Wb Do Exx 1,2   5`

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