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时间:2015-03-21 10:14来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

unit 6                        姓名:
1. i like music that i can sing a _________ with.
2. jim likes music that has great l ________.
3. the gift r________ me of my old friend.
4. i preferred to stay here __________ (不愿) go with you. 
5. i can’t s________  music that is too loud
6. if you get up late tomorrow, you will ______ (错过) the early bus.
7. u_________, he was badly hurt in the accident.
8. rose likes music that’s _______________ (安静优雅)
9. few young people love _________ (传统的) music, instead most of young people love pop or dance music.
10. it’s said eating too much burnt food ___________ (增加) the risk of cancer.
1. i like music that i can dance ______.
  a. with  b. to  c. along  d. on
2. some of her best loved photos are _______ display in this exhibition.
  a. on   b. in   c. at  d. about
3. there are many tall buildings on _______ sides of the street.
  a. each  b. every  c. both  d. either
4. that is a watch of _______.
  a. his  b. him  c. my  d. me
5. “help _____ to some fish.” mrs. smith said to the children.
  a. you  b. yourself  c. yourselves  d. yours
6. i _____ singing to dancing.
  a. like  b. enjoy  c. love  d. prefer
7. he has a friend who _______ the piano very well.
  a. play  b. playing  c. plays  d. played
8. we _____ here two hours ago. we _______ here for two hours.
  a. have arrived, have been   b. have come, have been
  c. came, have come       d. arrived, have been
9. though it was late, ______ he went on with his work.
  a. but    b. and    c. so     d.
10. we will have a ______ holiday after the exam.
a. two month    b. two - month  
c. two-months   d. two months 
