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新目标九年级Units9-10 测试题

时间:2015-03-22 09:37来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
go for it九年级英语units 9-10试卷    a 卷i 词汇 ( 30%)(a) 单词归类 根据所给单词按其所属类别进行归类,归类后如能写出更多该类的单词,请写出来。invent      ancient     fall into    pleasant      throw  century    basket      metal     show up       develop  rush     empty     describe     farmer     get married 1.     名词(nouns):_______________________________________2.     动词 (verbs):_______________________________________3.     形容词(adjectives):_________________________________(b)根据所给词的适当形式填空完成句子 (15%)1. it was _______ (invent) in 18852. clothes are used for _______ (keep) warm .3. peter was _______ (fool) by his brother on april fool’ day .4. you should read every word _________ (careful) in the exam .5. when she got to school , she realized she had _____ (leave) her backpack at home .ii 选择填空(15%)1. it _____ sweet . a. taste    b. tastes   c. tasted d. tasting 2. —do you like fruit ? —yes , i like the ____ best .a. potato       b. chicken      c. apple     d. bread   3. i think the ______ invention is the light bulb . a. most helpful b. more helpful c. helpful    d. help4.     i prefer lemons _____ oranges .i like the sour taste .a. in         b. on           c. to        d. at   5. i am sorry . i ______ go now . my father told on the phone that my mother was ill . a .can         b. may          c. have to    d. thinkiii.完型填空(20)iv 阅读理解(9%)1.     when was the tea invented ? ___________________________2.     who was it invented by ? ______________________________3.     how was it invented?_________________________________v 看图写句(12%)                    computer , invent , 1976       george , stay up late , last night            kathy , go to shool , every day   lillian ,got outside ,bus ,had left

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