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新目标九上Unit7 Where would you like to visit?教案

时间:2015-03-22 09:38来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

unit 7   where would you like to visit?
                  ---wang xiaoping
teaching contents: sectiona
teaching aims and demands : 
1.knowledge objects:  
key vocabulary:
tiring ,educational,fascinating,thrilling ,peaceful,trek,
take it easy ,jungle ,florida ,amazon
target language:
where would you /he /she /they like to go on vacation?
i/he /she /they'd like to trek through the jungle,because i /he /she /they like exciting vacations.
2. ability objects:
(1).train students to talk about places they would like to visit with the target language.
(2).train students to describe vacations with different adjectives.
(3).train students' listening and speaking skills.
3. moral object :
it's more interesting to go on vacation somewhere instead of staying at home.
teaching key points:
(1).teaching vocabulary
(2).target language
teaching difficult points:
(1).describe vacations with different adjectives
(2).talk about different places with the target language
teaching methods:
(1).task-teaching .
(3).teaching by pairwork.
teaching aids :
a projector , some pictures of diffferent places with famous views
teaching procedures:
step 1 warm-up
greetings and play a game “that’s me ”
step 2 show the teaching aims and demands on the screen .
step 3 lead-in
show some pictures to teach the new adjects and then chant .
step 4 talking
task 1: where have you been ? what do you think of it ?
ask and answer in pairs ,then act .
 task 2 :plan your vacations
if i have a two-week holiday ,i’d like to go to yan’an because i like educational vacations.what about you ?
task 3 talk about the pictures in pairs .
where would he /she /they like to go on vacation ?
task 4 talk about the pictures in 1a .
step 5 listening
where would sam and gina like to visit ? why ?
task 1 listen and fill in the chart .
task 2 listen and fill in the blanks .
task 3 listen and read .
task 4 make new conversations .
step 8 game (whisper 悄悄话)have a match
step 9 sum up
in this class, we have learned how to describe vacations with different adjectives. i think it’s more interesting to go on vacation somewhere instead of staying at home.i also know each of you has a good dream ,work hard for your dreams !
step 10 exercises

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