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英语律动How are you

时间:2012-07-04 09:57来源:学习家园点击:字体:[ ]
英语律动how are you 
how are you  
hello hello how are you?fine fine fine thank you. 
hello hello how are you?oh just so so . 
hello hello how are you?no i am terrible. 
round the garden 
round and round the garden 绕着花园走呀走(用手指在孩子掌心画圈) 
goes the little mouse 小老鼠不停的走(继续画圈) 
up up up he cree  向上,向上,它向上爬(手指沿着孩子的胳膊往上爬) 
up into his house.爬进了它的家(挠挠孩子的胳肌窝). 
five fingers 
one finger,one finger,point,point,point.一根手指点点点。 
two fingers,two fingers,cut,cut,cut.两根手指剪剪剪。 
three fingers,three fingers,miaow,miaow.miaow.三根手指喵喵喵。 
four fingers four fingers,touch,touch,touch.四根手指摸摸摸。 
five fingers,five fingers,on the desk.五根手指放桌上。 
let's make friends(让我们交朋友) 
hello,hello,how do you do? 
what's your name?what's your name? 
my name is mark.my name is mark. 
and what's your name? 
my name is body.my name is body. 
let's make friends,let's go to play

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