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What Is Happiness?,What Is Happiness?范文

时间:2015-07-11 08:46来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
What Is Happiness? 由英语作文网收集整理 英语作文网 What Is Happiness?
I often think about this question. If I say what it is, some people will laugh at me. They think it is an easy question. I often ask them, “what is happiness?” Some of them say to me, “You’re foolish.” The answer to the easy question is to have a lot of money. When I receive this answer, I will frown with unhappiness. Some will ask me again, “Why?” I will say, “Well, having a lot of money isn’t a bad thing. In present time, some people begin to find jobs to make a living. They all want to be the second, the third, the fourth, even the fifth Bill Gates. Maybe they’re millionaires now, but are they happy? I don’t think they are happy. If they want to be another Bill Gates, they must spend more time at their jobs and take less care of their families or the other things. Though this is the reason though they have a lot of money, I don’t think they have a happy life.
In a way, if you want to be a person with a lot of happiness, then try to be like this:
1. Be a kind, helpful and friendly person.
2. Be a person with a lot of smiles.
Well, the more work, the less words, let’s begin to work hard now. Try to be a good person, then you will not feel sorry about yourself when you grow up. It’s the best happiness for everyone, I think.
Work hard is good. But don’t forget your friends and your family after work. Spend more time with them and you’ll have more happiness.

What Is Happiness? 由英语作文网收集整理 英语作文网

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