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A Beautiful City,A Beautiful City范文

时间:2015-07-09 09:04来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
A Beautiful City 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网

A Beautiful City
Do you know Nanjing? I went to Nanjing on the holidays. If you don’t know it, I’ll tell you something about the beautiful city.
Nanjing is very large. There are many tall buildings, and lots of flowers and trees. It takes 30 minutes to get to the center by car. When you go there, you must be very excited.
I went to Fuzimiao. I don’t think you’ll know it, so I’ll tell you something unusual about it. Fuzimiao is a good place to go shopping. There are many nice streets in it. On the streets there are lots of shops, like clothes shops, bookshops and shoeshops. You can buy anything you like in the shops and you can find souvenirs in Fuzimiao. I like going there because there are a lot of interesting things in it and they make me happy.
I had a great time in Nanjing. If you can go to Nanjing, you must feel happy.

A Beautiful City 由英语作文网收集整理 作文网

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