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Report: Elephants are in Danger,Report: Elephants are in Dan

时间:2015-07-11 08:46来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
Report: Elephants are in Danger 英语作文网收集整理 Report: Elephants are in Danger
Elephants are the biggest living animals on land. They are big and strong. They have very small and bright eyes. They also have large and white teeth, people often called them tusks. There are no bones in the back of elephants’ feet because they are very fat.
Elephants can eat 100 to 1,000 pounds of grass in a day. They can live 60~70 years. They can walk on tiptoe in the mud easily. Elephants are big but they can move quietly.
Elephants are friendly towards each other and they never attack people. If people train them, they can help farmers carry the heavy things.
Elephants are in danger now! Because hunters will kill them for their tusks. If people sell elephants’ tusks, they can make a lot of money. If we don’t help these wild animals, they will all die soon.

Report: Elephants are in Danger 英语作文网收集整理

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