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Alone in the Dark

时间:2014-12-18 10:10来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]
Alone in the Dark
     It is midnight, time for people to go to bed. But for some of the city inhabitants, it is just the beginning of a new day.
     I am walking slowly along one of the busiest streets of the urban area. Everything seems quite different from it was during the day time.  The buildings, the statues, the river, the trees,the street lights, the rusty pipes, the empty bottles, all seem to be refilled with energy. A gust of wind passes by, leaving a line of pine trees whispering to each other,  "Our time is short!""I'm awake, I'm awake... "Just like what always happens in a fairy tale.
     "Nature is restless." I walk alone, but never feel lonely, for there are always buildings, street lights accompanying me. Quiet and polite, they are like some well trained servants. Being the only human being in this elf world, I suddenly have the feeling in my heart that the whole city belongs temporarily to met which really gave me a lot of excitement.
     "The music stops as if to answer an empty knock at the door  ....  "This beautiful scene reminds me of the poem written on the wall of the Blue Casket. This night, dark, cold but restless, is just like the heart of a human being.

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