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我思想上的一些转变(Some Change of My Thought)

时间:2015-06-05 10:33来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

我思想上的一些转变(some change of my thought)
     how time flies! this semester our practice teaching in jinshang primary school is near the end.so far i have realized deeply that practice is very important for us.and i have learnt many things from the practice which i didn’t know before ,expecially the details which i always ignore and don’t pay more attention to .though our practice isn’t long enough,we learn much valueable experience which we can’t get from our class. 
     at the beginning of the practice,i did’t like to be a primary school english teacher.frankly,i also didn’t like the pupils who were very noisy,i thought.as the time goes by,i have more chances to get along with them,gradually i found them very lovely and pure.from them i recalled many interesting things which happened in my childhood. 
     now,i am proud of being a future elementary school teacher,i must prepare fully for my future career from now on.


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