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Video Games

时间:2012-10-24 10:17来源:作文大全点击:字体:[ ]
Today,video games have become mroe and more popular among the students.
    So I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students could play the video games.
    70% of  the students think the video games can have a bad influence on younger children.Many video games
are violent or about killing other players and they aer even worse than the violent films.If students play the video
games,some of them will be addicted to the video games,so they will pay less attention to their studies or have
no time to commuicate with others.
    On the other hand, 30% believe that playing video games will help us to take a good knowledge of computer,
then we will become more and more creative and quickly thinking.What's more,video games makes students'
brains relaxed so they can study effective.
     In my opinion, playing the video games is unstandable.But as middle school students, we should put all our
into our studies.

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