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我对机会的看法(My View on Opportunity)

时间:2014-05-26 17:26来源:乐学啦点击:字体:[ ]

  different people have different views on opportunity. some think that there are only few opportunities in this world while others believe that everyone will have one kind of opportunities in his or her life.

  as far as i am concerned, i am in favor of the latter. everyone is born equal in this world, hence everyone is to be favored with opportunity. those who are well prepared can seize the opportunity when it comes and achieve success. those who remain idle all the time will be bound to failure even if they are surrounded by opportunities. for example, many people had watched apples falling from apple trees but only newton discovered the law of gravity.

  therefore, we can come to the conclusion that everyone has opportunities but only the prepared person can seize them and achieve success. so be prepared and your opportunity will favor you soon.


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