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6b Unit5 the seasons

时间:2015-04-11 09:47来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一、教学内容: 6b,unit 5,b部分和c.部分
1能听懂,会说,会读和拼写spring, summer, autumn, winter,hot, cold.
2掌握三会单词warm, cool ,sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy .
3 能听懂,会说,会读:which season do you like best? i like```best. why? because it’s``` i can``` what’s the weather like```? it’s ```
四、教学难点 灵活运用所学句型进行交际。
step1 presentation
t: may day is coming soon. do you remember any other holidays?
  which holiday do you like best? (教学生用i like ```best来回答)
根据学生答案板书 spring festival   (要求学生拼写季节单词。)
     summer holidays
     mid-autumn festival
     winter holidays
1)教学 spring, summer, autumn, winter
2)t: they are four seasons. (教学seasons)
3)出示四张图片:here are four pictures of the seasons. look, this picture is about ```.
4)课件出示太阳,云等图片,并出现sun, cloud等单词。
t: does it rain today?
s: no, it doesn’t.
t: yes. the weather is sunny. (出示单词卡片weather )
t: please try to read these words together. (让学生自己试着读读生词)
5)t: here are five pictures about the weather. (指着一幅图)it’s ```
step2 presentation the sentences.
1)t: we know it’s very hot in summer, very cold in winter. what’s the weather like in spring and autumn?
板书句型:what’s the weather like in```?
板书:warm(教学), sunny, rainy
2)t: what can you do in spring ? let’s have a look.
课件出示图片。教师板书短语:fly kites, plant trees, grow flowers
hot, sunny, rainy  swim, have ice—creams, eat watermelons 
cool(教学),cloudyeat moon cakes, watch the moon, pick apples
cold, snowyskate, ski, make snowmen (教学)
4)t: which season do you like best?(课件出示句型)
s: i like ```best.
t: why?
s: because it’s ``` i can```
step3 drill
1)read the poem after the teacher.
step4 小结
a year’s plan starts with spring.
step5 homework
copy the new words four times.
step6 板书设计:
unit5 the seasons
what’s the weather like in```?
spring warm, sunny, rainy     fly kites, plant trees, grow flowers
summerhot, sunny, rainyswim, have ice—creams, eat watermelons
autumncool , cloudy   eat moon cakes, watch the moon, pick apples
winter cold, snowy    skate, ski, make snowmen

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