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Unit7 Weather

时间:2015-03-27 09:56来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
let’s learn
language focus:
using nouns to identify clothing: e.g. hats, gloves
using adjective to express how you feel: e.g. cold
using nouns to identify season and weather: e.g. winter wind snow
language skills:
locate specific information un response to simple instructions.
pronounce words properly
learn the names and sounds of the letter: : l, l
students book, cassette and a cassette player, a puppet, workbook
pre-task preparation:
1 hold up a puppet and say you r cold. you must wear a hat. put a hat on the puppet. it says “thank you.” continue putting toy clothing on the puppet until it has a hat, a pair of gloves and a scarf on.
2  point to the hat , the gloves and the scarf on the puppet and say the words. repeat for students to follow.
while-task procedure:
1  put the vocabulary picture cards on your desk. say the words and invite individual students top come up and pick out the right card.
2  put up the picture card for “hats” on the board, and put the word card next to it. read the word several tines and ask the students to repeat. do the same with the other 6 new words.
3  open the student’s book. play the cassette tape. ask the students to point to the relevant pictures and repeat the words.
4  put up the picture and word cards on the board in the random order. ask individual students to come up and rearrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards, as shown in their student’s book.
5  show students the picture card for “light” and say light begins with the sound “i”. show the word card for “light” and say “l”  ”light ”. repeat. show alphabet cards “l’ and “l”. have students compare the capital letter “l” with the small letter “l”. play the tape for the students to follow in their books
post-task activity
draw the outline of sam on the board. put the pictures for the clothing vocabulary items on the table. have individual students come up and put the clothing items ob sam with magnets. then stick the corresponding words next to the picture cards.

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