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英语教案-unin4 Feed the world教学目标

时间:2012-08-29 10:00来源:快乐学习点击:字体:[ ]

raise, regret, goose(pl. geese), ruin, damp, loss, starvation, help oneself to, in a word, now and again, day by day, in debt, cash crop, make sense,for one thing……for another,go hungry,result in,
now and again, work out

1. It is thought / well known that…
2. For one thing…,for another(thing)…
3. It has been proved / suggested that…
4. It makes good sense to do…
5. have no idea whether…



I.教学教法: 通过本单元教学,学生应能熟练地运用“就餐”用语,对话可以让学生自由表演;复习名词性从句,重点讲解同位语从句的用法;了解粮食生产发展的历史、当今存在的问题及解决粮食不足的途径,在处理语篇时,注重学生对具体语境中词汇,语法的领悟与把握,多多挖掘语篇中的词汇亮点。

1.For one thing…….for another……意为“一则…….再则……”
I don’t want to buy the coat.For one thing, I don’t like the colour,and for another, the price is too high.
You get a low mark, for one thing, because you did not do your homework..
For one thing, I’ve no money ; for another, I have no time. So I can’t go.
2.go hungry意为挨饿,go(link v.)表示转变,往往只情况变坏,后面的表语通常由形容词充当。
He went almost mad when he heard the news. The heat has caused the milk to go sour.
The telephone has gone dead.电话声沉寂下来。 He went off his head. 他失去了理智。
His conduct in school has gone from bad to worse. 他在校表现越来越糟。
3.让步状语从句可用 whichever,whatever,whoever,wherever,whenever引出,分别相当于no matter which/what/who/how/when/where.
You can either keep the book for yourself or give it to your friend, whichever (=no matter which) you choose.
However(=no matter how) you go, it’ll take you at least two days.
Don’t open the door whoever (=no matter who) knocks.
Whatever (=no matter what) you go , I will go with you.
However hard(=no matter how hard) he worked,he could not please the boss.
4.result in:导致,产生 ……..结果。
The accident resulted in three deaths. 事故引起三起死亡。
Result from:由…….造成,因……而产生 Sickness often results from eating too much.
表时引起,产生,导致还可以用cause sb/sth或lead to +n. 如:
what caused his illness? Do you think this will cause much confusion?
Too much work and too little rest of ten leads to illness. Differences of opinions led to arguments.
Bad weather ruined our holiday. The rain has ruined my new dress.
His life was ruined by drink.
The stock market crash ruined many people. 股票市场的崩溃使很多人破产。
6.Make sense:讲得通,很有意义,有道理,明智等。
What he told us about the situation simply doesn’t make sense.他对形式的说明根本讲不通。
No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t make (any) sence.无论如何读这个句子,他都不能被理解。
It makes sense to take care of one’s health. 照顾好自己的身体是明智的。
7.day by day表示“逐着每天(变化)的”。例如:
(1)The young tree grows taller and thicker day by day.
(2)Her mother grows older and weaker day by day.
8.now and again的含义
now and again =now and then,意为occasionally, once in a while偶尔,不时
(1)We go to the films now and again. 我们时常去看电影。
(2)When he was a little boy, Lincoln went to school now and then.
9.in other words 表示“换言之”,“换句话说”。如:
(1)In other words ,we can finish the work on time only in this way.
(2)In other words, you have broken the law. 换言之,你违法了。
10.1) 注意记住并区别由word构成的词组以及这些短语中world一词的单复数。
keep one’s word to sb. (对某人)信守诺言 , break one’ s word失信, eat one’s words 承认说错话have a word with sb. , 与某人谈话,, have words with sb., 与某人口角。如:
(2)I want to have a word with him. 我想跟他谈谈话。
(3)Jack often has words with his neighbours.
(4)I said yesterday that you had stolen my car. Now I’m eating my words.
(5)He is an honest man who always keeps his word. 他是一个诚实的人,很守信用。
(6) Never break your word, or no one will trust you.
1.由that, if / whether, wh-疑问词,wh-ever词引导的名词性从句。

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