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Lesson93 Unit24 Book3 Senior English for China

时间:2012-11-13 12:30来源:教学方法点击:字体:[ ]

Teaching Plan of  “Finding a job”


教学内容:   高三英语 第24单元 第93 课


Aims & tasks:  1. Train the students’ discourse comprehension ability;

任务与目标:  培养学生的语篇理解能力;

2.Train the students’ language acquisition ability;


3.Train the students’ language application ability.


4.Help the students get the idea of how to find a suitable job as well as

  how to make a successful interview.


5.Help the students have a full-understanding of what people work for

and its significance.


Methods & Aids: 1. Task-based learning / researching study / discourse teaching


Pre-class task for the students: 学生课前学习任务:

1) Preview the text. Analyze the structure of the text and find out the main idea for each part.


2) Find out the relative information about jobs, choosing jobs and how to interview

from the internet and all the other possible medias.


In-class task: 学生课内学习任务:

Introduce the relative information that the students have got to others in English.   


Other learning tasks: .See the procedures for details


2. CAI ( multi-media、computer、tape recorder、blackboard)

多媒体辅助教学 (多媒体 计算机 录音机 黑板 )



Step 1.Lead-in  

T: You will face a great change half a year later. Guess, what is it?

S1: I will leave this school and go to university.

T: That’s it. Could you tell me what kind of university you want to enter?

S1: A key / an ordinary college / university.

T: I wish you good luck!

S1: Thank you!
T: By the way, have you ever thought of this problem?

  What will you do after you graduate from university?

S1: I will look for a job that is suited.

T: Are you sure you can get a suitable job?

S1: I’m not sure.

T: Would you like some suggestions?

S1: Yes. Of course.

T: I think you should read the text of L93. Maybe you will get the idea of

 how to find a suitable job.

T: Well, the whole class, please turn to P139, go through the text quickly.

Several minutes will be given to you. After that, I’ll ask one of you to tell

S1 how she can find a job which is suited.

Step 2. Fast Reading

T: Well, S2 Can you tell S1 how to find a suitable job?

S2: Recognize what kind of person she is, which special qualities she has and

   what she is interested in. Examine her skills and abilities. Trust her own

ideas and her own thinking.

T: S1, do you think so.

S1: Yes.

Step 3. Careful Reading

T: Quite good. I do believe this article is useful to people especially young people who will hunt for work in the future, just like you. So this time I want you to read the passage carefully again and find out more information.


1.       Why is it difficult to find the right job?

1). How many types of jobs are there in the world?

2). Does “ finding a job” mean the same thing as “ choosing a job “?

2.       To recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make

you different from others, a questionnaire in the text will help you. 

a.       Make a list of 10 things which you like doing most

b.       Which subjects do you like reading about in newspapers, magazines, and books?

c.       What have you been interested in for as long as you can remember?

d.       Think of a time when you were happiest. What were you doing?

e.       What makes you feel that you are doing well?

f.        What would you like to be admired for?

3.       T: Would you please take out a piece of paper and write down the answers

to these questions?

T: Have you finished ? Ok, S3 read it out.

  So what kind of job do you think you are most likely to do in the future?

S3: I want to be …

T: What strong points do you have ?

T: How about your choice for your future career?

S4: I’d like to be …

T: Is there any weakness in you to get such a post? What is it?

T: Well, I hope your dream will come true one day.

T: Then what is the best job, in your opinion?

S5: One which uses your skills in doing something together with your interest

   in the subject.

T: Great! Now let’s come to the next question.

  What kind of research work does the writer suggest doing?

S6: To find out different kinds of work 
T: Why does the writer suggest you asking the young people for advice?

S7: Because young people have a lot of things in common. We are about similar
 ideas in many ways.

Step 4. Listening and Paraphrasing

   Ask students to listen to the tape. After that, get one student to find out the title

of the text. ( Finding a job )

Some language points:

Step 5. Discussion 

T: Anyway, before we choose a job, we should know what kind of people we are, our

interest, skill, abilities and strong points, besides we also should find out information

about jobs. Actually another important thing should draw our attention. That is the

interview. A successful interview is a great help in getting a job.

  Do you know how to make a proper interview ?

S8: Arrive on time

S9: Dress tidily, but not too smartly/fashionably

S10: Find out as much as you can about the organization before you go to the interview
S11: Don’t be shy. Do be self-confident and proud of your success

S12: Don’t pretend to know everything. Admit what you don’t and show you are eager

   to learn and gain experience

Step 6. Interview 

T: Suppose you are a manager in a travel agency. You have received this job application

 form from Wei Haiying and are interviewing her. Ask her questions to find out

her education, skills, abilities, her level of English and work experience. Then

make a decision whether to accept her as a travel guide.

T: Let’s turn to P237, Ex.2, a job application form. Read it carefully and do an interview.

  I’ll give you minutes to prepare.

 (Get one pair to perform the interview)

T: Manager, will you accept her as a travel guide ? Congratulations!

  So the whole class, how do you find what they two did just now?

 (Ask the students to do assessment of the performance)

Step 7. Debate

T: S12 is so fortunate that she gets the job suitable for her. But in real life, not all people

  are lucky enough to have the right job. Maybe you are offered a job with a high salary.

  But it isn’t what you really want to do and what you want to get will bring you only a

  little money. Which one will you choose ? Actually this is a topic of “ work to live or

 live to work.” I want you to have a debate on this topic.

(Divide the whole class into two parts to ask them to debate)

T: Different people have different opinions on this theme. But I hope all of you will get a

  job which can satisfy you. Nevertheless at present, you must devote yourselves to

your study and get well prepared for your later work.




Designs for the Blackboard Writing  

Lesson 93   

Finding a job

How to find a suitable job

1.       Recognize what kind of person you are, which special

qualities you have and what you are interested in. 

2.       Examine your skills and abilities.

3.       Trust your own ideas and your own thinking.

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