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Green grass is on the ground.

时间:2012-06-24 08:25来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]
green grass is on the ground.
主题:green gra  is on the ground.  班级:大班 
老师:ly   time:november 11th   teaching aims    le on 9 
认读q and r 
听懂: your green gra  is on the ground. i know you like it. 
  good afternoon. 
会唱:< baaing, baaing, peeper shee gt; 
teaching tool:
some cards、tape 
teaching  procedures  teacher  student  1st.warm up 
first: cheek name.    
second: sing the song with children about what we have learned last le on <hello, hello. dozer doggie>. 
children should act and sing the song. 
your can act what you want to act. 
review the contents about le on 8. 
first:  show some cards and put the children to say: i can see ……and i can’t see…    
second: make the children say three dogs name.    
method: play the flash card game with the children and help them to remember the sentence :i can see ……or i can’t see… 
some words they don’t know how to read. 
but the are very interested in the game ,most of the children can say i can see table 、book tv act. 
the can remember the dogs name. 
first: show the cards and introduce peeper sheep to the children.    
second: look at c d and listen to the contents about the le on:  
peeper sheep:  good afternoon, peeper sheep. 
mighty m&;#111nkey: good afternoon mighty m&;#111nkey. 
mighty m&;#111nkey: i see. you’re hungry. here you are. your gra . your green gra  in on the ground…    
third: teaching the children how to  eak world and sentence of the dialogue.    
fourth: tell them the mea  about the dialogue. and encourage the children to act the dialogue in front of the cla room.   
learn the song: &;lt aaing, baaing. peeper shee gt;    
they can remember the sheep’s name quickly. 
when we listen to the dialogue together, some children can say some worlds about what we have learned in the picture. ex: they can say the world gra  ,tree, dance doggie, and so on.   
repeat the sentence “your green gra  is on the ground” more and more.  4th.goodbye    
< aaing, baaing. peeper shee>    
fallow the tape, singing the song < aaing, baaing. peeper shee >tighter. 
5th.feed back    
  most of the children can  eak the sentence, but some of them can’t. 
the children are more interested in the game and song.   6th.judge of myself 
i should keep more patience with the children.

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