

  • 日期:2014-04-24 09:47
  • 来源: 乐学堂
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   1. I can became infected with HIV by swinmaing ...

   2. I wish that she were here with me and that we weren't


   3. The most important thing to keep ... is to stay calm.

   4. If I had known more about giving first aid, I could

       have helped them.

   5. Many hospital recommend that we use the letters ...

   6. If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would ...

  7. As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer

       the most.

   8. She might have been hit by a car ...

  9. Send whatever you find to the hospital to help ...

  10. There we're days when I wished that I were dead so

      that I would not have to feel so sick.


  1. deadly a. 致命的

  2. quiz n. 小测验;竞赛

  3. false a. 错误的,假的

  4. virus n. 病毒

  5. via prep. 通过,经由

  6. blood n. 血

  7. prevention n. 防止,预防

  8. persuade v. 劝服

  9. illness n. 病;(身体)小舒服

  10. treatment n. 治疗;对待;处理

  11. sex n. 性别;性

  12. proper a 正确的,适当的

  13. available a. 可利用的;有效的

  14. network n. 网络

  15. specialist  n. 专家

  16. fierce a. 野蛮的,凶猛的;激烈的

  17. cell n. 细胞;单人牢房

  18. radiation n. 辐射,放射

  19. recover v. 恢复,康复

  20. drown v. 溺死,使淹死

  21. scream v. 尖叫,呼啸

  22. witness vt. & n. 目击,为……作证;目击者

  23. response n. 响应

  24. slight adj. 轻微的,纤细的

  25. chest n. 胸膛;箱子

  26. circulate  v. 循环,流通

  27. wound n. 伤口

  28. motorcycle n. 摩托年

  29. sudden a. 意外的

  30。 loose a. 松散的

  31. tap n. (水,煤气等)龙头

  32. bandage  n. 包扎带

  33. ambulance n. 救护车

  34. choke v. 窒息,哽住,使窒息

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