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A Teacher in My Memory-我记忆中的一位老师,A Teacher in My Me

时间:2015-03-21 09:09来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
A Teacher in My Memory-我记忆中的一位老师 英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网

A Teacher in My Memory
I have many teachers in my life, but one of them I can never forget. She was my English teacher in my middle school, whose name is Xu Qing-wen. She was about forty then, and looked younger than her age. She was a kind, qualified and capable teacher.
She was always patient, and never tired of helping her students. Whenever students turned to her with questions, she would not hesitate to help them. She was good at teaching and organized her class well. Her teaching was interesting, attractive and knowledgeable. Before starting a new lesson, she would give students several questions to guide their preparation, and tell them some background knowledge to enlarge their knowledge. In class, sometimes in order to emphasize important points, she would tell witty stories. She corrected our exercises promptly and carefully. In this way her students could also learn from their mistakes.
With her help, all her students made rapid progress in the learning of English. Students liked her because they regarded her as their best friend as well as their best teacher. How lucky we were to be her students!

A Teacher in My Memory-我记忆中的一位老师 英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网

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