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等待口试(Waiting for Oral Exam)

时间:2014-05-30 17:42来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

  i still remember the day when i took part in the english oral examination.

  that morning a great number of nervous and excited young examinees① stood in the hall, each waiting for his turn to have the oral exam. some were talking loudly; others reciting and still others walking idly②.like all these young people, i had a butterfly③ in my stomach, not knowing what to do and just sitting on the chair with my eyes fixed on the door of the room where i would have the exam. every time the door opened and a young man came out of it, my heart would beat fast. though i had prepared my lessons well, i still had some fears for it was the first time i had such an important oral exam and also i had had a cold the day before and my voice had become husky④ because of the bad cough. i was sitting on pins and needles⑤when suddenly my name was called.

  i got up and walked quickly toward the door. stopping in front of it, i hesitated about opening it. i felt my face red and my heart beat fast. suddenly a kind and gentle voice rang in my ears,“remember to be calm, not to be nervous and you can certainly pass the exam.”these words eased my mind and i calmed down. i bravely opened the door with confidence. i would certainly succeed.


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