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融情入景:我爱你——黄河!-I Love You——the Yellow Riv.

时间:2015-03-26 08:48来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
I Love You——the Yellow River
It's well known that the Yellow River is the second longest river in China. Though my hometown is close to her, yet I had no chance to enjoy myself at her beautiful scenery. What a pity!To my great joy we were told that we would go there and have a good look at the lovely river on Sunday.
It took us quite a few hours' ride to reach the bank of the river,where we saw the Chunü Spring①. It is one of the most famous hot springs there . The water of the spring is so clear that we couldn't help ing into it. Our head teacher, together with us, swam happily. Floating on the water, I looked around . We were surrounded by the great mountains.
Then we got on some small boats. We had been longing to float on the Mother River. Seeing her powerful current and attractive beauty, I felt proud of being one of her sons.
It was noon before we knew it. We went ashore② and then danced and sang happily on the grassland. We helped ourselves to the tasty③ fish, crabs④ and other food, which we cooked ourselves.
It was time for us to go home. We had to say good-bye to the Mother River. We all felt reluctant⑤ when we left her.
①Chunü Spring处女泉
②go ashore [+'M&:]上岸
③tasty ['teisti] a.美味的;可口的
④crab [kr$b] n.蟹;蟹肉
⑤reluctant [ri'l)kt+nt] a.不愿意的;留恋的

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