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惊人的事: 难以忘怀的经历-An Unforgettable Experience,惊人的

时间:2015-07-17 09:18来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
惊人的事: 难以忘怀的经历-An Unforgettable Experience 英语作文网收集整理 作文网





An Unforgettable Experience

When I was a little girl, in the summer vacation in 1976, I went to my mother's hometown , Tangshan.

After I got there, at first I stayed at my uncle's home . I was very happy in my uncle's home because my uncle had a daughter who is older than I. She often took me to visit some places. We spent ten days happily. I remember just on the tenth day there was a big earthquake. It happened about three o'clock in the morning when I was dreaming. I woke up to find myself under a heap of rocks . I couldn't move. I didn't, in fact , know anything about what was happening until my uncle saved me from the rubble①.

During the earthquake most of the houses fell down. We set up many tents to live in and received a lot of food from every city in our country. They helped us to tide over② those hard days. I think if we hadn't lived in New China we couldn't have survived the big earthquake. I am very lucky and so are my uncle's family.



①rubble['r)bl] n.碎石;碎砖,破瓦

②tide[taid] over 克服;渡过



惊人的事: 难以忘怀的经历-An Unforgettable Experience 英语作文网收集整理 作文网

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