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Is Failure a Bad Thing?(失败是坏事吗?)

时间:2015-06-26 10:12来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
 Is Failure a Bad Thing?
1. 失败是常有的事。
2. 人们对失败有各种态度、。
3. 我对失败的态度。
Failure is not a stranger to life. It can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone. No person succeeds all the time. The more development you want to make, the more failure you might encounter. So, people are faced with failure now and then.
There are different attitudes towards failure. Some people are afraid of failure and they can not bear the blow of failure, so they stay where they are and try to not to mike progress. Some optimists, however, fight against failure bravely and achieve all his aims at last.
My attitude is that we aren’t afraid of failure. When we meet with failure, we don’t lose heart. We should call up all our courage and persist in what you are engaged in. Remember the proverb: Where there is a will, there is a way.


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