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学会英语和学习英语(Learning English and Learning About Engli

时间:2015-06-25 10:45来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

  we are learning english,not about english. a student can know all about english. and he may not be able to speak english.

  the people who only learn about english take english as a subject. this is a mistake. geography is no skill while english is.

  you learn to swim by getting into water and swimming.you learn football by kicking a ball. we learn to speak english by speaking english. let us do more speaking if we want to learn english well.

  so you see there is a difference between "learning english and learning about english". now we want to learn english and we believe the best way to learn to speak english is by speaking.




  跳入水中,你才能在游泳中学会游泳。踢着球,你才能学会足球。我们在说英语的过程中学会说英语。 因此,要想把英语学好,我们就要多多尝试张嘴说话。



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