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The Harm of Smoking(吸烟的危害)

时间:2015-06-15 09:24来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
     The Harm of Smoking
     Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of discomforts for their fellows. Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of
those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke. And studies show that non-smokers suffer more than the smokers themselves.
     A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking. Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas and in other public places. Therefore,smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms.
     Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more will turn down what we say every day. I think it more important to call on the smoker to use good judgment and to show concern for others.

    吸烟可能对某些人来说是一件愉快的事情,但却为他们的伙伴带来一系列的不适。  医药科学家们表达了他们对烟民们和生活在被烟草污染的空气中的人们的健康受吸烟影


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