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一场激动人心的篮球赛-An Exciting Basketball Match

时间:2015-03-17 09:04来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]

     There was a basketball match between Class 3 and Class 4 yesterday afternoon. Before the match, all the students thought Class 3 would win the match because some good players were in the class.
     The match began, and all the players played very well.Other students watched and shouted for their teams. It was an exciting match.
     When the first half of the match ended, Class 4 fell behind Class 3. The players in Class 4 tried their best to catch up with them in the second half. With the shouts "Come on", the players in Class 4 won the match.
     The match was over. How wonderful the match was!


      The basketball match between Class 3 and Class 4 was held yesterday afternoon. Before the match, all the students thought Class 3 would win because there were some good players in the class.
       After the match began, all the players played very well. When the first half of the match ended, Class 4 fell behind Class 3.
       When the second half began, Class 4 tried their best to catch up wlth Class 3. At last Class 4 won the match.
       How excited Class 4 were!



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