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时间:2015-03-07 09:41来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

I think that all of us should emphasize using our time effectively.
June 5,Sunday
I went out to see a film after supper. On my way to the cinema, I met an Englishman named John, who had lost his way. I gave up the chance to see the film and took him to his hotel. While going there, I told him the great changes that had taken place here in the past few years and John told me something about his country.
Though I had missed the film, I felt very happy, for I had not only helped John get out of trouble, but also practised my spoken English. If I had not worked hard at English, I would not have been able to help John.
There is a new market near my house.  My mother often goes there and buys what we need for our meals. But I had never been there before.
Yesterday I went to the market with my mother. There were so many people that we could hardly make our way out of the crowds. There were all kinds of vegetables, fish and fruit everywhere. People were talking about the goods and the prices. The sellers shouts could be heard every now and then.I remembered that the day before I had asked Mother to buy some fresh fish.Most of the fish there was frozen, but we had not much trouble in finding some fresh fish at the other part of the market. My mother bought something else as well.
It was my first time to go to the market, and I was deeply impressed by what I saw in the market.
Mr David came to China, for the second time, this spring. During his stay in China, he visited several cities.
In Beijing he visited the Great Well, and the next day he left for Nanjing by train, where he visited the Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge. After that he travelled to Hangzhou by air and went sight-seeing on the West Lake. Then he got to Guangzhou by train and gave a report on American English. Later he went to Shanghai by sea, and bought over ten books in Chinese. After two weeks, Mr David returned to Beijing by plane.
A new English teaching programme will be broadcast by CCTV.It is called Life in America. It will help middle school students to know more about America and improve their English at the same time. This programme will begin on May 1 this  year. You can watch it from 5:00  to 5:30  PM  each  day and enjoy it again  from  9:30  AM  the  next  day on  Channel  Two.
Welcome to the programme and enjoy yourselves.
One day Mrs. Black wrote a letter to her friend, who was a doctor,inviting him to have dinner with her family. A few days later, the doctor wrote back, but she was not able to read his writing, because the letter was written carelessly. Anyway, her husband got an idea. He told her that a chemist maybe could read the doctor's writing. So Mrs. Black went to the chemist's shop. The chemist in the shop read the letter and then gave her a large bottle of medicine. Finally Mrs. Black still had no idea whether her friend would come to have dinner or not.


