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亲爱的儿子(Dear son)

时间:2013-03-27 09:15来源:中小作文点击:字体:[ ]


  the day that you see me old and i am already not, have patience and try to understand me …


  if i get dirty when eating… if i can not dress… have patience. remember the hours i spent teaching it to you.

  如果我吃的脏兮兮,如果我不会穿衣服…… 有耐性一点…… 你记得我曾花多久时间教你这些事吗?

  if, when i speak to you, i repeat the same things thousand and one times… do not interrupt me… listen to me


  when you were small, i had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep…

  when i do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…


  remember when i had to chase you with thousand excuses i invented, in order that you wanted to bath…

  when you see my ignorance on new technologies… give me the necessary time and not look at me with your mocking smile…


  i taught you how to do so many things… to eat good, to dress well… to confront life…


  when at some moment i lose the memory or the thread of our conversation… let me have the necessary time to remember… and if i cannot do it, do not become nervous… as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me…





  if ever i do not want to eat, do not force me. i know well when i need to and when not.

  当我不想吃东西时,不要勉强我. 我清楚知道该什么时候进食

  when my tired legs do not allow me walk...


  … give me your hand… the same way i did when you gave your first steps.

  扶我一把…. 如同我曾扶着你踏出你人生的第一步….

  and when someday i say to you that i do not want to live any more… that i want to die… do not get angry… some day you will understand…

  当哪天我告诉你不想再活下去了….请不要生气…. 总有一天你会了解…

  try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.


  some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, i always wanted the best thing for you and that i tried to prepare the way for you..


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