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我对赶时髦的看法(My View on Following the Fashion)

时间:2015-06-03 09:43来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]

我对赶时髦的看法(my view on following the fashion)
     nowadays more and more young people prefer to follow the fashion.  on this phenomenon, different people have different views. it is held that one should follow the fashion so as not to be despised or considered eccentric. but it is also held that one should have one's own judgment.
     those who hold the first opinion think that society is progressing and one should adapt oneself to the constant change. in their opinion, if everyone always sticks to the old fashion, there won't be any change and naturally there won't be progress. in contrast, those who hold the second view think that one shouldn't follow the fashion without discrimination and one should have one's own judgment and characteristics.
     as for me, i agree with the latter opinion. admittedly, one should be flexible and adapt himself to the situation, but this is not to say that one should follow the fashion without discrimination because the fashion may not be beneficial.we should consider whether the fashion is favorable or unfavorable. moreover, one should have one's own characteristics. if everyone follows the same fashion, there will not be variety and the whole society will be monotonous.



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