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什么是成功(What Is Success)

时间:2012-08-11 08:58来源:作文指导点击:字体:[ ]

  what is success? different people hold views on this question. some think that one is successful if he can make a great deal of money. others argue that success means holding an important government post. still others believe that whoever has got high academic title is successful. it is clear that there are quite different opinions on success.

  in order to become successful, you should first of all be both perseverant and hardworking. as you know, whatever you do, there are always two possible results: success and failure. when you fail, you should never lose heart. on the contrary, you must build up your confidence and work even harder. you should always keep in mind that perseverance is the mother of success and industry is the key to it. in addition, you should pay great attention to your work method. it is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work.

  finally, it is important for you to get along well with your co-workers, care for each other and help each other. if you follow these principles, you will certainly achieve remarkable success in the future.

  in my opinion, success means achieving brilliant results in one's work, that is, making outstanding contributions to the development of the country and bringing happiness to the people. so my conclusion is that even if one has made great progress in what he does, i don't think there's any reason for him to be conceited.


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