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九年级英语上学期Lesson 8 教案

时间:2012-10-31 10:58来源:教学计划点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 8


ⅠTeaching Materials

Words: cross, channel, mainland, slow, journey, among, proud, pride, unless, shot, truth

Phrases: come true, slow down, be proud of, speak highly of, not only…but also…

Sentences: Among them were his parents.

He is not only the pride of our school, but also the pride of all the people in Hainan.

ⅡTeaching Objectives

1. Read the passage in Part 3 and try to understand its meaning. Read it fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

2. Finish all the exercises in this lesson.

3. Master the following materials as four skills:

Words: cross, channel, mainland, slow, journey, among, proud, pride,

Phrases: come true, slow down, be proud of, speak highly of, not only…but also…

Sentences: Among them were his parents.

He is not only the pride of our school, but also the pride of all the

people in Hainan.

4. Master the following materials as three skills: words: unless, shot, truth

ⅢTeaching Points

1. The main points: (1) & (2) in teaching objectives

2. The difficult points: not only…but also…如果连接两个主语时,用就近一致原则。

ⅣTeaching Procedure

1. Organization of the class

Read a passage about the youngest swimmer to cross the Qiongzhou Channel and do some exercises.

2. Revision

A. the difference “between” yet and “already”

B. the difference between “been to” and “gone to”

C. have a try

D. so far

E. Recite Part 1

3. The teaching of the new lesson

A. Lesson 8

We talk about surfing in the last three lessons and today we are going to talk about swimming.

B. Part 1

Who swam the longest? Let’s listen to the tape and do Wb. Ex. 1

C. Part 2

Well, Zhangjian set s new world record for the longest swim. Who is the youngest swimmer to set the record for crossing Qiongzhou Channel?

*Read and answer:

Who is the youngest swimmer to cross the channel?

When did he cross the channel?

What time did he set off?

What time did he arrive?

*Read and learn:

Come true; set off=set out; step into; slow down; by; another two hours=two more hours; a big crowd of people=a big group of people; among; be proud of; speak highly of;

not only…but also…

He is not only a good student, but also a good son.

Not only you but also I am good at swimming.

*Reading practise

D. Wb. Ex5

E. Wb. Ex6

F. Wb. Ex2.3.

G. Part5

Read and learn. Teach: unless, shot, truth

H. Checkpoint 2

I. Conclusion

Come true, set off, slow down, among, be proud of, speak highly of, not only…but also…

4. Homework

A. Workbook Ex. 4. 7

B. Part 4

C. Go over the whole unit.

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