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高二英语Lesson 87教案

时间:2012-09-25 10:11来源:爱学习点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 87

Teaching objectives:

1.Help the Ss to have a good understanding of How Sydney saved Charles.

2.Learn-ing form as attributes and adverbials.

Teaching aids: a recorder, a computer, VCD, etc.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1.Pre-reading


Check the homework exercises.

Get the Ss to tell the relationship of the main characters (Dr Manette, Lucie Manette, Charles Darnay, Sydney Carton, Monsieur Defarge, Marquis St Evremonde) in A Tale of Two Cities.

(Show the pictures of the main characters with the computer.)


You may ask the Ss to imagine the ending of the story to lead in the new lesson.

Step 2.While-reading

Let the Ss do skimming and answer a question: When did the revolution break out?(In July, 1789.)

Let the Ss do scanning and answer comprehensive questions: SB Page 120, 1

Let the Ss put the events in right order. (Ex. Ⅱ in AB)

1.Charles with Lucie and Dr Manette left Paris.

2.The Revolution stared.

3.Sydney had his head cut off.

4.Sydey bought some special medicine.

5.Charles found a letter form France.

6.Charles was sentenced to death.

7.Sydney persuaded Charles to change clothes with him.

8.Charles returned to France.

9.Charles was put into prison.

Answers: 8 1 9 6 2 5 7 3 4

You may explain language points to the Ss

live a… life

eg. After marriage, they lived a happy life. (They lived happily.)

similar usage:

He died a heroic death. (He died heroically.)

She smiled a bitter smile. (She smiled bitterly.)

set fire to (something): set (something) on fire

eg. He set fire to the building. ----He set the building on fire.

On + v- ing /n: as soon as…

On the arrival in Beijing, she phoned me.

As soon as she arrived in Beijing, she phoned me.

do wrong←→do right

eg. I felt I had done wrong.

You did wrong to tell her the secret.

do good

You should do good all your life.

do harm

Any kind of pollution will do harm to health. v-ing used as adverbial: as-clauses

Knowing that she was an experienced teacher, we often asked her for help.

As we knew that she was an experienced teacher, we often asked her for help.

to be eager for something /to do something

I am eager for a computer.

I am eager to have a computer.

Step 3.Post-reading

1.Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms. (Ex. Ⅲ in AB)

Having (have) once made (make) a promise to Lucie Manette that he would do (do) anything he could (can) to make sure she was (be) happy, Sydney Carton thought (think) of a way to rescue Charles Darnay, Lucie's husband. As the two men looked (look) very much like each other, Sydney went (go) to visit Charles in the prison and they exchanged clothes. He used (use) some special medicine to make Charles sleep, and then had (have) him carried (carry) out of the prison. The next day, Sydney, who had taken Charles's place, had (have) his head cut (cut) off.


You may say: At the end of this story, Sydney Carton, who loved Lucie very much, took Charles's place and had his head cut off. Do you think it was worth? Now let us have a debate. (Divide the class into two groups.) Group1 agrees with what Sydney Carton did. Group 2 does not agree with what Sydney Carton did. And give your reasons.

3.Language Study

1)You may explain difficult points in the language study to the Ss:

Write the sentences on the Bb:

A.Charles was a brave man.

B.He decided to return to France.

Then join the two into a single sentence, using v----ing form.

→Being a brave man, Charles returned to France.

2)Let the Ss practise the following sentences:

You may say: Join the following pairs of sentences, using the-ing form.


A1.He worked in his small room in the prison.

A2.Dr Manette made four pairs of shoes every day.

A.Working in his small room in the prison, Dr Manette made four pairs of shoes every day.

B1.He knew that Dr Manette had become mad.

B2.Defarge brought him home.

B.Knowing that Dr Manette had become mad, Defarge brought him home.

C1.Lucie heard of the letter.

C2.He begged her husband not to return to France.

C.Hearing of the Letter, Lucie begged her husband not to return to France.

D1.He had plenty of money.

D2.Charles was able to travel at once.

D.Having plenty of money, Charles was able to travel at once.

E1.He was determined to rescue his friend.

E2.Charles set off for France.

E.Being determined to rescue his friend, Charles set off for France.

F1.He arrived in Paris.

F2.Charles was thrown into prison.

F.Arriving in Paris, Charles was thrown into prison.

G1.The revolutionaries sentenced Charles to death.

G2.He discovered that he was an enemy of the state.

G.The revolutionaries sentenced Charles to death, discovering that he was an enemy of the state.

H1.He knew that I was not an enemy of hers.

H2.The servant let me in.

H.The servant let me in, knowing that I was not an enemy of hers.


1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Write a composition about Charles Darnay, using the information you have learnt in the story A Tale of Two Cities. The words in the box may help you. (Ex. Ⅳ in AB)

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