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No smoking, please!Lesson 7

时间:2012-07-21 09:38来源:教学实践点击:字体:[ ]

教学设计方案Lesson 7 

Teaching Aims

Learn and master the following

(1) would like to do

(2) stop doing/to do

(3) give up

(4) get into the habit of

(5) used to/be used to

(6) go without

(7) call for

(8) stop sb.(from) doing sth.

Learn noun clauses

Teaching Difficult Points

The different usages of “used to” and “be used to”

Teaching Methods

Discussion to help the students to go through with the learning passages.

Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.

Practice to consolidate the usages of noun clauses and “be used to” “used to”

Teaching Aids

1.a projector

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures

Step Ⅰ Greeting

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ  Revision

Check the homework exercises.

Revise the contents of the passage in SB Lesson 6. See if the Ss can tell you about the passage with their

books closed.

Step Ⅲ  Preparation for reading

Show the new words in Lesson 7 on the screen (Here omitted.) and give the students brief introduction,

especially “drug”.

Ask the Ss the following questions.

Why do people smoke?

What other drugs do you know?

Step Ⅳ  Reading

1.Give the Ss two minutes. Let them read the text as quickly as possible, and try to find the answers of the following questions.

(1)What is the name of the drug in cigarette?


(2)Why can’t people stop smoking?

—Because cigarette contains nicotine. Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.

2.Check the answers with the whole class. And deal with the following. Show them on the screen.

(1)They would like to know something about the danger of smoking.

(2)He stopped smoking.=He didn’t smoke any more.

He stopped to smoke.=He paused and began to smoke.

Nothing could stop the children telling the truth.

=Nothing could stop the children from telling the truth.

(3)Your idea is good. Don’t give it up.

(4)He has got into the habit of listening to news broadcast at 6:30 am.

(5)The main speaker was absent, but the conference was to go without him.

(6)This trouble calls for quick action by the government.

(7)He used to work hard.≠He is used to hard work.


Divide the class into groups of four. Go through Questions 1-4 explaining what they have to do for each question. Then let the groups discuss these questions. At the end of this stage ask them for their answers or opinions.

Step Ⅵ Language Study and Practice

1.Deal with Part 3. Revise the use of Noun Clauses as the Object and Predicative. And point out that in the Object Clause “that” may be omitted, but in the Predicative Clause “that” is necessary and cannot be omitted.

2.Deal with Part 4.First teacher gives one or two examples to make sure the Ss know how to do the exercise. Then let the Ss do it in pairs. At the end of this activity ask some pairs to act out before the class.

Step Ⅶ  Practice and Workbook

Deal with Part 5. Let the Ss do this practice according to the explanation given just now while dealing

with the text. Pay attention to the difference between the two phrases.

Suggested Answers:

1.used to                    2.are used to

3.used to                    4.am…used to

5.used to                    6.are used to

2.Deal with the exercises on Page 72


Do the exercises left

Revise the new language points in this unit.

Record After Teaching


The Design of the Writing On the Blackboard

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