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毕业后选择离开还是留下(Leaving or Staying A Choice upon Grad

时间:2013-08-05 10:12来源:作文论坛点击:字体:[ ]

  e bored and can't wait to pick up a job. they are eager to lead a life that is less stressful intellectually and less pressing economically. in their eyes jobs can provide them with constant opportunities for solving problemsmwhich demands a combination of schoolbook knowledge and practical abilitiebhowever, some students plan to continue their education in pursuing a master's degree. in terms of career academic preparation, knowledge and skills acquired at undergraduate level are far from adequate. a sound fact is that an increasing number of graduates are returning, motivated by the need to update their knowledge and enhance (提高) their skills. the news that graduates with higher degrees are better off spreads from shrinking (萎缩的) job market.

  all this indicates that a bachelor's degree (学士学位) can hardly qualify students for a competitive position. if i am faced with the choice, i prefer to stay and pursue a m. a. degree. i know my choice will mean a commitment of time and money. but opportunities always take the form of hardships and risks. the days might be rigorous and painstaking, but they would certainly be fulfilling and rewarding, and would surely lead to a prosperous future.


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