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时间:2015-04-25 08:17来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]


i have a warm home, my parents love me, hurt my younger brothers and sisters.

my mother, and a hair, put on his shoulders like a star, and her hobby is watching tv, and sometimes touched the tears came, my mother is a kind-hearted woman, they are allowed to tears the wholelove, younger brothers and sisters often do not understand why her mother cried.

my father is very concerned about face-saving, because sensitive about one's reputation, often. father's hobby is stock market.

very timid younger brother, will be shivering in the dark, sleep and also sleep with my father, his hobby is riding a bicycle!

my sister is very cute, you can go to her 51 look really good cute ah! her hobby is dancing!

i am a reading fan, a money to buy books, naturally, i love that book!

this is my family!! 

