> 节日手抄报:
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时间:2015-06-24 09:37来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]











  the old man and the black kid for a day, a few white kids playing in the park. At this time, a sell hydrogen balloon man pushed into the park the truck. White boy like a swarm of bees came up, everyone bought a balloon, a balloon be jubilant to chase away. White kids figure disappears, a black child timid came to the old man's truck, asked a pleading voice: "you can give me a balloon?" "Of course," the old man looked at him kindly, and said gently, "what color do you want?" He plucked up the courage to say: "I want a black." Write on the face full of vicissitudes of the old man looked astonished to the black children, then handed him a black balloon. He took it happily, hand a loose, balloon rising in the breeze. The old man looked at the ascending balloon, side by hand gently patted the back of his head, said: "remember, the balloon can not rise, not because of its color, but because the balloon filled with hydrogen." Truth: achievements and origin, and the confidence of. This world is created with confidence. Confident, positive in the face of all their own, this positive and confident will help people reach the top of success.