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时间:2015-05-26 09:44来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

  The reporters learned from the Harbour District, Qin City Education Bureau that the three staffs who involved in physical punishment to children in the Jinliuyi kindergarten security tapes have been suspended. The kindergarten has been reforming in the supervision of education department. The children’s parents and the kindergarten haven’t reached an agreement yet. The parents still lodged a complaint to the relevant departments for solving the problem as soon as possible.




  According to the suffered mother, Miss Cheng, her child hasn’t been to kindergarten more than a month since the thing happened, and he became more withdrawn, not willing to say hello to others, and not willing to contact with other kids, especially with teachers. He was also not willing to go to kindergarten. All these make the parents very angry, but what they can do is try their best to come down their kid’s emotion.


  The staffs from preschool education department Bureau of Harbour District told something to the reporter. The District Education Bureau has circulated a notice of criticism for Jinliuyi Kindergarten in the education system of our region since late October. And it has required them to have centralized rectification from October 22th, 2013 to November 22nd. These department staffs always join in the rectification and at present, the three staffs, who involved in corporal punishment to kids and breach of duty as a teacher and nursery governess have been ordered to suspend.
