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时间:2015-05-26 09:44来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

  However, if one holds a positive attitude toward failure, he will overcome difficulties and frustrations to win victory.




  来自:失败是一件坏事吗Is Failure a Bad Thing?

  This is the right attitude towards life.


  来自:我对现代生活的看法My View on Modern Life

  Now, we are apart, but I still remember his great attitude and willing in study.


  来自:在我身命中最难忘的人The most unforgettable person in my life

  Such attitude may gradually influence their personality and eventually form an opportunistic mentality.


  来自:彩票弊大于利 The Lottery Does More Harm than Good

  And the last, but not the least, adopt an optimistic attitude toward life, for the world is still in making and you can have a share in it .


  来自:如何获得快乐 How to be happy

  So as for students like us, we should have a good attitude towards failure.


  来自:有志者事竟成 Where There Is a Will There Is a Way

  Furthermore, hold a positive attitude towards employment.


  来自:毕业是否意味着失业?Graduation, Synonym of Unemployment?

  A positive attitude towards life must be good to health.


  来自:如何保持健康 How to Keep Healthy