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The missing necklace Lesson 66

时间:2012-11-30 11:38来源:教学设计点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 66

1. Revision.

Act out the dialogue of lesson 65 Part 1

Practice dialogue: “-- Which one? -- The one that …”

2. Lead - in

T: Have you been robbed? What happened? Were you afraid?

3. Presentation

T: Helen’s necklace has been stole, she called the police and now she is waiting, what will happen? Let’s have a look.

4. Reading comprehension

(1) Fast reading

Question: What else has been stolen from Helen?

(2) Careful reading

Read the dialogue carefully and make sure they can understand

(3) Intensive reading

Read the dialogue and deal with the Language points.

rob =steal/rob sb. of sth./steal sth from sb,

thief =thief a person who steals

detective =a person, especially a police officer, whose job is discover robbers and other criminals

inspector: a police officer

(4) Read aloud.

Read after the tape and do Ex 1 in wb. Lesson 66

5. Practice

Do Ex 2 and 3 in wb Lesson 66

6. Consolidation

Retelling the story “Who stole the necklace?”

7. Conclusion

Communicative function. 交际功能。


-- Good evening

-- Thank you for …

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